Room Data Access Objects (DAO)


A Data Access Object (DAO) is an abstract class or interface that includes methods to define database queries.

DAOs provide the following advantages:

  • No need to use queries
  • Easy to mock
  • Verified and Parsed at compile time
  • Reduced boilerplate

DAO Annotations


  • @Dao
  • @Query
  • @Insert
  • @Delete
  • @Update


@Dao // Required annotation for DAO to be recoginized by Room
public interface MyDao {
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    public void insertUsers(User... users);

    public void insertBothUsers(User user1, User user2);

    public void insertUsersAndFriends(User user, List<User> friends);

If the @Insert method receives only 1 parameter, it can return a long, which is the new rowId for the inserted item. If the parameter is an array or a collection, it should return long[] or List<Long> instead.


public interface MyDao {
    public void updateUsers(User... users);


public interface MyDao {
    public void deleteUsers(User... users);


Performs read/write operations on the database. Verified at compile time.

Simple Query

public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM user")
    public User[] loadAllUsers();

Passing parameters

you can include parameters passed into the method annotated with @Query, by appending a colon (:) to the parameter in the query string.

public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE age > :minAge")
    public User[] loadAllUsersOlderThan(int minAge);
public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE age BETWEEN :minAge AND :maxAge")
    public User[] loadAllUsersBetweenAges(int minAge, int maxAge);

    @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE first_name LIKE :search "
           + "OR last_name LIKE :search")
    public List<User> findUserWithName(String search);


public class NameTuple {
    public String firstName;

    public String lastName;
public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM user")
    public List<NameTuple> loadFullName();

Can be embedded instead.

Observable queries

return livedata to observe database.

public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM user WHERE region IN (:regions)")
    public LiveData<List<User>> loadUsersFromRegionsSync(List<String> regions);

RxJava 2.0 integration

public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT * from user where id = :id LIMIT 1")
    public Flowable<User> loadUserById(int id);

Querying multiple tables Room will watch all tables for invalidation if they are flowable or livedata and can perform join tables.

public interface MyDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM book "
           + "INNER JOIN loan ON loan.book_id = "
           + "INNER JOIN user ON = loan.user_id "
           + "WHERE LIKE :userName")
   public List<Book> findBooksBorrowedByNameSync(String userName);

Using a POJO to store a join table object

public interface MyDao {
   @Query("SELECT AS userName, AS petName "
          + "FROM user, pet "
          + "WHERE = pet.user_id")
   public LiveData<List<UserPet>> loadUserAndPetNames();

   // You can also define this class in a separate file, as long as you add the
   // "public" access modifier.
   static class UserPet {
       public String userName;
       public String petName;

Kotlin RxJava

interface UserDao {

     * Get a user by id.

     * @return the user from the table with a specific id.
    @Query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userid = :id")
    fun getUserById(id: String): Flowable<User>

     * Insert a user in the database. If the user already exists, replace it.

     * @param user the user to be inserted.
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    fun insertUser(user: User)

     * Delete all users.
    @Query("DELETE FROM Users")
    fun deleteAllUsers()

results matching ""

    No results matching ""